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Nordic Green Care Online Event June 1st, 2021
Til dig som har lyst til at nørde med Green Care, kommer nu en invitation til et spændende online event.
Nordic Green Care Online Event 9:00-14:10 (CET), June 1st, 2021
The project Learning Green Care is funded by Erasmus+, and is the host of this event.
The project focus on gathering the best practices of the application of green care methods (2018-
The project partners are Kiipula Vocational College (FIN), Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences (SWE), University of Agder (NOR) and Aarhus University (DEN).
The main language will be English, and you can get access to the event via the Zoom-link
shown below.
9:00-9:10: Welcome/Karen Thodberg, Aarhus University and Heidi Honkajuuri, Kiipula Vocational College
9:10-09:55: The human factor in animal assisted interventions/ Chalotte Glintborg, Aalborg
9:55-10:40: Overview and dilemmas in the Danish Green Care effort in Denmark/ Carsten
Ørting, Chairperson of the Danish Green Care Network.
10:40-10:50: Break
10:50-11:35: Green Care and the challenge of anthropocentrism/Jes Lynning Harfeld,
Aalborg University
11:35-12:05: Lunch break on your own
12:05-12:35: Presentation of Holmstrupgaard/Anne Hove and Anneli Juul Simonsen,
12:35-13:05: Presentation of Havredal/Dorte Nørskov, Havredal
13:05-13:35: The needs and welfare of animals involved in Green Care and other activities to
help people/ Karen Thodberg, Aarhus University
13:35-14:00: Questions (from the chat) and discussion
14:00-14:10: Rounding the day off
To join the meeting, please follow the meeting link:
Join Zoom Meeting https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/65919435424